Mukesh Sai

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Mukesh Sai

Mukesh is an emerging talent in the world of acting, currently undergoing professional training at the prestigious Ramanaidu Film School and Nishumbhitha School of Drama. A dedicated artist with a passion for storytelling, Mukesh has already made a mark in the theater scene through standout performances in acclaimed productions such as Vaali Vadha, Kallu, Petromax Panchayati, Nagamandala, Manavartham, and Ninne Pelladatha.

Mukesh Sai






Nagamandala Story Nishumbitha school of drama Ram mohanHyderābād, India

Ninne pelladatha Sridhar Nishumbitha RammohanHyderabad , India

Manvathvam BalaramaiahNishumbitha school of drama RammohanHyderābād, India


Kallu Pujari--Hyderābād, India